Tweets from Beyond the PDF 2

March 22, 2013, [MD]

I had an amazing time at Beyond the PDF 2 in Amsterdam (March 19-20). I met so many of the people whose blogs I've been following, did a demo of my open academic workflow, gave a 3 minute pitch for "Why we need an open alternative to Google Scholar", for which I won a shared second place, and came back filled with ideas and connections. I hope to write a series of blog posts highlighting some of the things I saw and heard at the conference, but I thought I'd start by posting an archive of my tweets.

I've done this a few times before, from Critical Point of View in Bangalore, Learning Analytics Conference (and pre-conference) in Banff, and OAI6 in Geneva, and even created a tutorial on how to generate this list using TextMate. This time, I grabbed the archive from Bodong's Twitter analytics app, and used R to select only my tweets. I cleaned them up a bit, removed some purely housekeeping ones, and added a bunch of links for context.

This archive will also be useful for myself in reminding me what we talked about, things to follow up on, etc.

Before the conference

Day 1

Before lunch

After lunch

Day 2

Before lunch

After lunch


Stian Håklev March 22, 2013 Toronto, Canada
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