January 25, 2013, [MD]
Developing Researchr - two converging strands
The development of Researchr, the open academic workflow, began from two different angles. I began thinking about highlighting text, and extracting those highlights, and then doing something about them, because I got my first Kindle (the Keyboard one). It enabled quick highlighting, and all the highlighted text was copied into a file called My Clippings.txt, which could be accessed through the USB channel (clippings for books bought at Amazon are also available through a web interface).
I ended up transferring lots of academic articles to my Kindle, and taking hundreds of clippings, and then wondering about what I should do with these. I discovered rb-appscript, which enabled me to remote control other Mac applications through Ruby, and initially began by importing the clippings into DevonThink. I then began thinking about ways of publishing my clippings online, and wrote some scripts that turned DevonThink (and later Scrivener) exports into browseable web pages, and used this to publish all the notes from my MA thesis.
At the same time, I was interested in a tool to let me take notes during conferences, and I stumbled upon DokuWiki. I had used it before, and loved the idea that it didn't rely on a database server, rather storing all the pages in simple text files with wiki markup. This meant that I could simply use rsync to mirror online a version of the wiki, while hosting the main version on my own computer (crucial for use during conferences, with poor connectivity). I used this the first time during AERA in New Orleans in 2011, and since then I've used it during a number of conferences.
After I came home, I realised that I could also take notes and extract them into text format from Skim, that I could import these to DokuWiki, instead of to DevonThink, and I began experimenting with BibDesk, and automatically generating citation data using the amazing bibtex-ruby and citeproc-ruby libraries. From there, there was no way back :)
Adding images to wikis
I eventually developed a very efficient way of importing text to the wiki, whether it be clippings or my own notes when reading PDFs or Kindle documents, clippings from other websites, etc. However, there was no easy way to bring pictures into the wiki, and whenever I came across a great illustration, a graph or a diagram in an article, I thought that my corresponding notes would be the poorer for not including this. Traditionally, it has been a bit of a hassle including graphics in wikis, because they have been treated as their own elements. On Wikipedia, for example, you typically go to Wikimedia to upload a media file, specifying copyright information, description, etc, and then you use a code to embed it in your wiki page. While important for a big public wiki, this was a lot more cumbersome than I wanted.
There were two problems: Getting a picture out of a PDF, and into the wiki. The first problem had several solutions. I thought about drawing a square on the page, and then letting the export process get the coordinates, and try to extract the picture from those coordinates in the PDF. This might be possible (and might be an even more elegant solution in the long run), but I never got that far. I fell back on a built-in functionality in OSX that I love: partial screenshots. Shift+Cmd+3 takes a screenshot of the whole screen, and Shift+Cmd+4 let's you select a portion of the screen. Crucially, it doesn't ask you where to put them, but simply names them in a consistent manner, and dumps them into your Desktop folder.
So I developed the following workflow for grabbing photos from PDFs. While reading along, highlighting and commenting, I could grab a picture at anytime using Shift+Cmd+3. After grabbing the screenshot, I also had to press Ctrl+Alt+Cmd+C, which would simply add a line to a cache file noting the page location I was on, and the name of the most recent screenshot in the Desktop folder.
Then, when exporting to the wiki, it would read the cache file, move each file into the correct wiki folder, and insert the corresponding wiki image link into the article page. It works great, and if you look at my Bibliography, all the articles with an I have images, which are placed at the bottom of the page (example).
With this, it was a simple next step to add a keyboard shortcut to wiki editing, Ctrl+Alt+Cmd+C when editing a wiki page moves the most recent screenshot into the wiki, and inserts a wiki link at the cursor. I use this frequently when for example editing author pages (example).
Using the iPhone to insert photos live during conferences
Bodong is another PhD student at OISE. He is currently using a version of Researchr on a PC, but during ICLS 2012 in Sydney, he chose to take notes using the Evernote app on his iPad. I've never quite understood people who are able to type that confidently on a touch-screen, but one thing that really impressed me was that he could type some text, raise the iPad and take a photo of the speakers, or slides, the photo would be inserted exactly where the cursor was, and he could continue to type.
I recently got an iPhone and have been using it to take a lot more photos than I used to. With the new PhotoStream pictures you take automatically arrive on your other devices, without needing to plug in or sync, making it much easier. This made me think that it might be possible to integrate iPhone photos into note taking in DokuWiki. Apple just wants you to access your PhotoStream from within iPhoto, but since it's so tightly integrated with the operating system, you don't need to have iPhoto open for the photos to be downloaded, they are stored in the folder ~/Library/Application Support/iLifeAssetManagement/assets/sub.
And once you have the photos on computer, it is as easy to insert them into a wiki page as inserting a recent screenshot. However, the problem was knowing when a new photo had arrived - it's fairly fast but not simultaneous (some experimentation showed that I had to exit the photo app before the photos are uploaded). Since the insert command automatically moves and renames the photos, executing it when the photo you want has not arrived yet, will move and link in an old photo, which is not what we want.
I solved this in two ways. One was by adding a "preview" function, which uses qlpreview (similar to pressing space over a file in Finder) to show which file will be insert when you give the insert command. The second was to write a little "photostream-watch" script, which watches the director, and posts a growl with a little icon of the photo, whenever a new photo is downloaded from Photostream.
(I also use sips to resize the photos, since they usually arrive as 2-3MB files. I also need to rotate them if the metadata indicates a need (ie. you held the iPhone in the wrong direction), but I haven't figured this out yet).
It works
In the end, I got it all working, and I showed it to some friends as a very neat hack. It wasn't until yesterday that I finally had a chance to try it out. I attended a critical media education panel, and used DokuWiki to take notes. I started the watcher, and shot a few pictures of the whole panel, and later of the individual panel members. You can see the result here.
I'm pretty excited by this, even though it's still not perfect. I think it makes the notes look much more inviting, and it's neat to remember how people looked. I was sitting fairly far towards the front, but I didn't seem to be able to focus on the slides well enough to get a good resolution picture (many of the presenters didn't even use slides, so I didn't try too hard).
The pictures of the individual presenters are also quite blurry - these were done with digital zoom on the iPhone (it might have been better if I had cropped on my computer, but the idea was trying to make it as quick a workflow as possible - have the photo go straight into the wiki, with no fuzzing on the computer).
I had to flip a few pictures manually in Preview, so I should really figure out how to change the orientation (pictures with the orientation metadata bit set look ok in preview, but not when viewed in a web browser. If you save them in Preview, Preview will manually rotate them into the proper orientation).
Since this is based on PhotoStream, it can only be used with Apple devices, but it should be trivial to modify the solution to work with for example DropBox, if there are any good Android photo apps which immediately sync to DropBox.
Stian Håklev January 25, 2013 Toronto, Canada comments powered by Disqus