More thoughts on quantified self, tracking and visualizing

March 18, 2013, [MD]

Yesterday, I wrote about my tiny timetracker script, resurrecting some 3 year old code, cleaning it up a bit and adding a simple R graph of my day. The script makes it very easy to track intention (ie. I am the one saying what I am working on, it doesn't try to infer it from my activity), and over time the log files should prove interesting.

R graphs

I started wondering about other ways of representing the data with R graphs. Right now, it's just showing a simple bar graph with the cumulative amount of time spent on each category per day. It would be easy enough to make similar graphs per week, month, etc, and also easy enough to correlate other measures that I tracked per day (temperature, time getting up, mood etc) with cumulative activity in each category for each day (ie. on days when I got up early, I got more hours of PhD reading done, etc).

However, the log files don't only contain information about how many hours I spent each day doing different categories, they also contain information about when I start and stop different activities. So I might be able to find correlations like "I tend to get more done on my PhD on days when that's the first thing I do", etc. To begin with, I tried to find a way to graph the day's time use as a timeline.


There are still some challenges with the script. The first is how I log categories, right now I have 10 slots (0-9), but since I log the full text, rather than the number, you can change the categories in settings.rb, without risking to "overwrite" earlier logs. However, I realized that I wanted to log at different levels of granularity. For example, I might want to know how much time I'm spending preparing for a presentation in a few days, but I'd also like to know how much time I spend each month preparing for presentation, or even on "schoolwork" in total.

I could attach categories to the projects in settings.rb of course, that would be easy. I would have to determine whether I wanted the categories to be exclusive or not. If they are exclusive, I can add them all up, and get the total amount of time spent. If I want overlapping categories (presentation is both school work and authoring, whereas writing a blog post is authoring, but not school work), I'll be able to look at time use in different categories, but can't compare them against each other (plotting authoring vs school work wouldn't make sense, since the time spent writing the blog post would be double-counted). I guess an expense tracking system that let's you tag your expenses in different categories has the same problem.

One problem is that I don't quite know how to store or represent this information effectively in R. I had the same problem when I imported Google Analytics data together with metadata about all of my blog posts. My blog posts usually have several categories attached to them. Initially, this is just a text field with each category listed like "oa,publishing,china". How would I represent this in a datastructure in R, so that I could see whether certain tags were more popular than others, for example? Would I have to duplicate the post, so that I had three entries for the page, one for each tag? Or turn the tags into binary variables, so that for each row I would have columns for all the tags I've ever employed, with a 1 for in use, and a 0 for no? (And is there a function to remap the data like this?)

Other data

I also thought about other sources of data that I could track either explicitly or automatically. Some of these would be interesting to track and visualize by themselves, others would be interesting mainly as related variables. I could for example easily track all the scholarly PDFs that I read, by taking note of when clippings are exported to Researchr (I could log both the number of PDFs read, and the number of pages in each PDF). I could also look at the length of the high-level notes that I write about different articles.

It would be quite interesting to wear a FitBit or something similar 24/7, and get detailed information about when you fall asleep, when you wake up, how you move around etc. However, I could at least use Fitocracy's API – if I could query the number of points added per day, that might be a useful proxy for exercise. (If I am diligent about turning on Runkeeper when biking, I could also extract the number of kilometers biked every day).

There are some things that I do digitally, that would be so easy and so interesting to track, but which does not have an interface. I spend hours every day reading on my Kindle, and it would be very interesting to export the number of pages read per day, the time I've spent, speed (seconds per page), etc. But the Kindle does not collect this data (or at least, it won't share it with me).

Entering manually

There is also data other than time-use that I might have to enter manually. I thought about creating a very unobtrusive interface, triggered with a global keyboard shortcut, which would let me type in a variable (with autocomplete), let me tab to an entry field, let me type in the value, and press enter to store (with a time stamp). This could be everything from weight, to bed time, books read, or anything else. (One could even imagine a window that pops up at random times asking about your mood, whether you are feeling tired or energetic etc - but that might quickly become annoying). First draft of interface:


Right now I am creating a few graphs with ggplot2, running an R script through Rscript, that spits out a PDF, and then I display that PDF with Pashua. When I have more data, and graphs, I plan to create a knitr template (Markdown + R code), maybe even using a templating system, and then run knitr from the command line (through Rscript?), which will generate an HTML page, which I can then open in the browser.

Anyway, that's how far I got in my pondering.

PS: This blog entry took exactly 37 minutes to write, most of which I did on the plane, which is the early pink blob you see on the timeline, then my battery ran out, I arrived, spent some time finding my AirBnB host, etc, and then the timeline resumes :)

Stian Håklev March 18, 2013 Toronto, Canada
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