Talk in Chinese at SocialLearnlab: Social Learning

June 4, 2009, [MD]

SocialLearnLab (or 教育大发现, which is their Chinese name) is a unique online community of students, professors and teachers interested in online education, Web 2.0 and open education. Initiated by Beijing Normal University professor Zhuang Xiaoli (庄秀丽), they run several very active mailing lists, wikis, and use a number of Chinese and international social networking apps. I am hoping do to an interview with professor Zhuang later, to talk more about the background for this organization. Anyway, while in Beijing I hoped to be able to meet up with people interested in these topics, and we managed to organize a "salon", with participants from several Beijing universities, as well as many students from Beijing Normal. I began by giving a "short" talk (I planned it for half an hour, but it became an hour), and then we had time after that to discuss and share.

I posted the talk on Slideshare, with audio synched to the slides. This is my third talk that I have given in China, and they are all different (although some issues recur). In this case, I assumed that many of the people would be quite familiar with the basic issues, and I also knew from the mailing list that several had watched my earlier presentation at CMU, so I decided to discuss some more detailed issues. I spent some time on talking about the progress in setting up Peer2Peer University, and also discussed the open education blogosphere as an epistemic community, and compared my view of the Chinese and English-language "spheres". It turned out that many of the participants were not that familiar with many of the concepts however, and we spent some time after my talk to discuss things like open access, and open licenses, more in detail.

Social Learning - Presentation at SocialLearnLab (in Chinese)

View more presentations from houshuang.


Stian Håklev June 4, 2009 Toronto, Canada
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