August 14, 2008, [MD]
I was lucky enough to be invited to give a talk at Indian Institute of Public Administration in New Delhi, a research institute that does consulting jobs for the Indian government and also training of senior civil servants. I spoke to a group of perhaps 25 librarians and professors, trying to give a “whirlwind” tour of the field of open research and open learning, both in general but also in terms of its usefulness for developing countries. It seemed to be well received, and I had several requests afterward for more information. I recorded the lecture on Audacity on my MacBook (quality is mostly good, except for a few times when I turn away from my laptop), and synched it with the slides on SlideShare (synch is mostly good except when the slides change too fast, and SlideShare can’t keep up).
Feel free to have a look and let me know what you think. Below I have also included all the links from the presentation, mainly for the benefit of those who attended.
Thanks again to IIPA and Dr. Munshi for inviting me.
Correction: Hindawi is based in Egypt, not in India. Apologies for this. However, there is still a lot of open access journals being published in India.
Update: Here is a direct link to the MP3 recording (if you press play below, it will play the sound and sync the slides, but if you have a slow connection, or want to listen offline).
Open Research, Open Educational Resources and Open Learning - presentation at IIPA Delhi
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