April 1, 2008, [MD]
This mp3 provides much better quality sound, but below you can see the live performance. The lyrics are the same.\
\ sore tugu pancoran\ pillar at night at Pancoran (famous area in Jakarta)
si budi kecil kuyub menggigil\ the very little guy shivers
menahan dingin tanpa jas hujan\ trying to stand the cold without a rain jacket
di simpang jalan tugu pancoran\ on the road side at the pillars of pancoran
tunggu pembeli jajakan koran\ waiting for the buyers of the newspapers on offer
menjelang maghrib hujan tak reda\ all during maghrib the rain doesn’t lessen (prayer time around 5)
si budi murung menghitung laba\ the gloomy guy counts his profit
surat kabar sore dijual malam\ the afternoon newspaper is sold in the evening
selepas isya melangkah pulang\ after prayers he walks home
anak sekecil itu berkelahi dengan waktu\ such a small child is fighting with time
demi satu impian yang kerap ganggu tidurmu\ for a dream which often bothers your sleep
anak sekecil itu tak sempat nikmati waktu\ such a small child doesn’t have an opportunity to enjoy the time
dipaksa pecahkan karang lemah jarimu terkepal\ forced to break a weak story, you make a fist (no idea what this sentence means - neither has my indonesian friend)
cepat langkah waktu pagi menunggu\ quick steps, morning time is waiting
si budi sibuk siapkan buku\ the little guy prepares his books
tugas dari sekolah selesai setengah\ he only finished half his homework from school
sanggupkah si budi diam di dua sisi\ is this guy ready to be silent on two sides (??)
anak sekecil itu berkelahi dengan waktu\ such a small child is fighting with time
demi satu impian yang kerap ganggu tidurmu\ for a dream which often bothers your sleep
anak sekecil itu tak sempat nikmati waktu\ such a small child doesn’t have an opportunity to enjoy the time
dipaksa pecahkan karang lemah jarimu terkepal\ forced to break a weak story, you make a fist
Iwan Fals\ (note: I translated it myself, pasti banyak kesalahan, tetapi masih bagus sekali)
Stian Håklev April 1, 2008 Toronto, Canada comments powered by Disqus