March 12, 2008, [MD]
Perjalanan ini\ *This travel\ *
Terasa sangat menyedihkan\ Feels very sad
Sayang engkau tak duduk\ Too bad you are not sitting\ *\ Di samping ku kawan\ *Next to me, friend
Banyak Cerita\ Many stories
Yang mestinya kau saksikan\ Which you have surely witnessed\ *\ Di tanah kering bebatuan\ *On the dry stone-filled earth
Oh… Oh… Oh…
Tubuhku terguncang\ My body gets shaken
Di hempas batu jalanan\ By the stony road
Hati tergetar menatap\ The heart is shaking too
Kering rerumputan\ The dry grass
Perjalanan ini pun\ Even this travel
Seperti jadi saksi\ It becomes like a witness
Gembala kecil\ The small shepherd
menangis sedih\ *cried sadly\ *\ Oh… Oh… Oh…
Kawan coba dengar apa jawabnya\ Friends, try to listen to what the answer is\ *\ Ketika dia kutanya mengapa\ *When he asks why\ *\ Bapak Ibunya telah lama mati\ *His mother and father have been dead for a long time\ *\ Ditelan bencana tanah ini\ *Victims of a disaster on this soil\ *\ Sesampainya di laut\ *After reaching the sea
Kukabarkan semuanya\ I ask them all
Kepada karang kepada ombak\ To the cliffs and to the waves
Kepada matahari\ To the sun
Tetapi semua diam\ But they are all silent
Tetapi semua bisu\ They are all mute
Tinggal aku sendiri\ I am left alone
Terpaku menatap langit\ Forced to look at the sky
Barangkali di sana\ Maybe there
ada jawabnya\ the answer is\ *\ Mengapa di tanah ku terjadi bencana\ *Why do disasters happen in my country
Mungkin Tuhan mulai bosan\ Maybe God is getting tired
Melihat tingkah kita\ Seeing our acts\ *\ Yang selalu salah dan bangga\ *Which are always wrong and proud\ *\ dengan dosa-dosa\ *with sins
Atau alam mulai enggan\ Or nature is starting to
Bersahabat dengan kita\ not be friendly with us
Coba kita bertanya pada\ Let’s try to ask
Rumput yang bergoyang\ The wavy grass
Oh… Oh… Oh…
Ebiet G. Ade\ (note: I translated this myself, dan saya minta maaf atas segala keterbatasan)
Stian Håklev March 12, 2008 Toronto, Canada comments powered by Disqus