January 1, 2006, [MD]
Two of my best friends are spending this Christmas in Chad, helping a local youth organisation use open source software (Linux) and donated hardware to produce a youth newspaper. Wojciech Gryc used to be my roommate the first year in Canada, and is annoyingly brilliant (just try to google his name), and Emanuele Fortin is an awesome organizer with infectious enthusiasm. Together they are doing awesome things this Christmas, and I am quite jealous, but more impressed.
They have a blog about their undertakings that you can follow, with pictures and all (the picture above was ungratiously stolen from their blog - I will ask for permission post factum.) You can also have a look at the international youth media NGO that Wojciech founded; Five Minutes to Midnight, or his Initiative for Interdisciplinary Research (which seems to be falling behind on the updates).
Either way, a very Happy New Year to Wocjiech and Emanuele in Chad (or Ghana?), good luck with all your undertakings, and looking forward to seeing you very soon!
Stian, in Idyllwild, CA
Stian HĂ„klev January 1, 2006 Toronto, Canada comments powered by Disqus